Monday, October 19, 2015

In the Studio Today, October Twentieth, 2015

I'm currently sculpting this life-size bronze for this winter season.

This double life-size bronze is going to a new development in New York 

 This ¾ life-size bronze will be ready for this winter season.

The first bronze casting of this skull will go to a private collector in OKlahoma City

The first casting of this 1.5 x life-size bronze will go to a Bay Area collector's new home in Palm Desert. It will be finished in about a year and a half.

Party,    bronze & Steel

Horny Toad Tome,    bronze & steel

Royal  steel,   bronze & porcelain

this piece creates the illusion of twisting & following the viewer.

bronze maquette of the 4x life-size American Beauty

Oarsman  maquette of 3x life-size bronze in Knoxville, TN

Girl Buoy  bronze