Friday, July 27, 2012

American Beauty on Friday

I got a lot of sculpting done on the right foot today and Jose continued making great progress on the hair.

A couple of days ago we had all seven toilets in the building overflow at once. This is day two of the plumbing crew. They had a camera down the pipe and now have 90 feet of snake down the hole but haven't found the problem yet. Yikes. 

The good news is that all the toilets are being completely rebuilt. Shouldn't have to worry about them for a while.

Hi Patsy!!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Continued sculpting on "American Beauty"

Busy day today: made another double batch of oil-clay,  Jose Rodriguez,  Christie Hackler &
Christie Owen were all in working, Hackler left to do a news spot with Linda Cavanaugh of KFOR-TV about the upcoming Fringe opening this Friday and Dave Tamez from OETA came back to shoot more footage for the Gallery segment that will air this fall.

David L Phelps
Jose Rodriguez,  Christie Hackler & Christie Owen

Jose Rodriguez,  Christie Hackler & Christie Owen

the Bad Boy oil-clay maker eying his new batch